Creating Vladmew

The next task was to create new characters for the game, as we already had Lucious created.

As a team we mind-mapped what type of characters we could have. Some examples include: Corgis, eagles, guinea pig, cats and other creatures.

Our next character is a Russian Cat, named Vladmew Cutin. IMAG0145 He started off as a very angry , basic cat, as discussed by the team. His anger would reflect in game, making him stronger, and giving him more of a chance in destroying enemies.


We then looked more into Russian clothing, mainly traditional hats and winter wear to give him more of a Russian feel. However, we didnt feel as though these character designs were really suiting the character, so we looked at a more cuter design, which reflected the “Cutin” in his name.


With these designs, they were very quick to sketch and easy to come up with poses and the ability to show movement was a lot better, meaning we stuck with this style, which also linked in with the style that Lucious was also drawn in.

vlad1 vlad2 vlad4vlad3

The design was then transferred to a computer to be drawn up digitally, so that eventually, he can be included into the game once the sprites are drawn up.

Once he was drawn digitally, we have produced a full colour and textured version of Vlad.

Vlad Comparison

Close up of Texturing

close up

We are currently trying out different styles for the art to be completed in. As we are unsure of whether to include an outline around the characters or not.

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