Character 3

After brain storming a few character ideas, sketches were created of what the character could look like.

I started with a Koala character, which was suited into the environment that the level was set.


I stuck with the art style of the previous characters when creating the Koala, however, I wasn’t too keen with it so I went onto develop the Squirrel.

IMAG0162IMAG0164 IMAG0165Cute art style used with previous characters was used on this character as well.  IMAG0166 I decided to use the Squirrel in the end as the third character, as I found that it was going to be easier to animate its movement compared to the Koala.

I used markers to do a final design of our character Squearl.

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Like the other characters, we used a word play on Squearls name.

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