Game Development.

Original Game

tumblr_inline_nucsu1oyzr1rzux7x_540Original Sprites

New Piskel New Piskel (1) Lucious

New Game

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Level Screen

screen1When the game starts, you are in a level room, where you choose one of three doors to start different levels.

Unfortunately we couldn’t make all three levels so only the first door is active.

Once through the first door you are in the mine level.

mine1 mine2

The mine level consists of collecting carts for points and avoiding enemies and obstacles.

In the top corner of the screen is a health system, for example, in the images above, Lucious has landed on a spike and has lost health.

However during development, the character glitched and became stuck to a platform, due to collision coding not working correctly.


As the level goes on, the game becomes more and moreĀ challenging.

mine3 mine4

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