Personal Projects: Art pieces I forgot aout

Today I went through my laptop, mainly to delete a lot of junk that I didnt need anymore, when I found quite a few drawings I had worked on that I forgot to upload, so rather than doing loads of individual posts about them, Ive just decided to put all my older stuff onto this one post.


Proxy: One of the characters I have designed


Rouge the Bat, wasnt too keen on how this turned out in the end


Colour variations of the design of Proxy


A Quick Drawing I did to practice with the paint textures on sai

ellie colour pallete

I was given a paint colour palette challenge to draw a character using only certain colours, Im not that keen on this drawing either.


Really old drawing from well over a year ago now, but really liked this one as it helped me improve my colouring skills a lot


Just for fun


this drawing was to help me practice blending skin tones. Not the best, but Im a lot better as doing it now that I have had practice doing it.

donaldd duck.png

Another drawing just for fun

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