Project 4: Storyboarding – 2

We were given a task to create a story in a desert which involved conflict. In our group we brainstormed some ideas, such as a giant snake monster, someone trying to steal treasure and Egyptians betraying a group of cowboys.

In the end, we decided to go for a group of treasure hunters that go into a Pyramid and find a group of Ancient Egyptian Priests. This then disturbed the priests and so they summon a dust demon to take care of the treasure hunters.

One of the hunters gets cursed and tries to attack the rest of the group and then the group has to decide whether to trap him or help him.


In our group we chose which parts we were going to create some images for to make a whole storyboard.

I decided to go with the dust demon being summoned.


Work in Progress

The image above is still a work in progress of the final image that I am creating.

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