Project 3: Game Maker Quick Test

I blocked out a very basic design for the game, as I am not the best at programming, so I have the room, an enemy and the torch light all in the game.


When the game runs, the whole level is dark and the sprite moves around using the WASD Keys. The only way to see is to use your flash light.


I really want to try and do more with this game, however I am not good at programming and coding so I cant get the torch to rotate or the collisions to work correctly

Binary Numbers

Today we started learning about Binary Numbers, how to convert a decimal into binary and how to add binary numbers together.

This gif I found online explains how to convert the number 155 into a binary number, using base 2 numbers.

We were given some numbers to work out into a binary number:


7= 111 ✓

32s 16s 8s 4s 2s 1s
0 0 0 1 1 1


16= 10000 ✓

32s 16s 8s 4s 2s 1s
0 1 0 0 0 0


19= 10011 ✓

32s 16s 8s 4s 2s 1s
0 1 0 0 1 1


30= 11110 ✓

32s 16s 8s 4s 2s 1s
0 1 1 1 1 0


54= 10110 ✓

32s 16s 8s 4s 2s 1s
1 1 0 1 1 0

I really enjoyed doing these, however, I didnt realise with the adding, that 1+1=0, and I thought it was still just 1, so I got the addition question wrong at first, but afterwards I realised where I had went wrong.


Adding binary numbers


101100 +



111110  X



IN BINARY 1+1 = 0


2863 = 101100101111

4096s 2048s 1024s 512s 256s 128s 64s 32s 16s 8s 4s 2s 1s
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1



Coding For Maths Exam

To help us prepare for our maths exam, we have been told to make a game that uses different aspects of maths to help us revise and get ready for the upcoming exam.

However, I couldn’t seem to even start the game since my player character just doesn’t respond properly when the arrow keys are pressed.


Then with some help, I realised one part of the code wasn’t working and by just removing it, it made the teleportation stop.


The next thing I need to change is the fact that the sprite is constantly walking, even when the key isn’t pressed. So I will need to add a idle and other movements for the character.

So I have created a animation controller and added the different animation states into it.


But for some reason there was a slight delay in changing animation states, so when the player starts walking, for a second or two, which is really noticeable, the animation is still idle before it finally changes back to walking.

2D Racing Game: Part 2

Today I am continuing on with my 2D unity game. Straight away I bumped into problems with the collisions.

I needed to change the way the car moved in order for it to be able to collide correctly with the barriers of the track. I changed it from a transform.position  movement to a rigidbody velocity movement.

This then allowed the car to collide correctly.


I then added some enemy cars and set them to spawn above the screen, and then to drive down. However, they both seem to spawn at the exact same time, so I needed to change the spawn location and add some randomness.


I added a spawn location and made it so that the prefab will be randomly spawned between two set positions, so that the cars stay on the track.

However, I now need to add a timer so that they spawn at different times and multiple times.


What I needed to do was to paste the code instead of being in the start function, but into the update function. But this meant that the cars spawn every single second.


This is the reason that a timer is needed to control the spawning of the cars.


2D Racing game

today I decided to try and use different types of maths in coding, to make a 2d top down racing game.

I have used assets from the website “”

I have then positioned the graphics onto a 2D plane on Unity to start with the game.

car 1.png

 I then applied my race track as a texture to a quad in order to get it to repeat when the car moves along the track.


I then added a car controller onto the player so that the car can be moved side to side.


Coding: Asteroids Part 2

The next par of my asteroids game, was to code in a laser, so that the player can shoot the objects.

I added a box collider and rigidbody to the laser so that it would collide with other objects and wouldnt fall off the screen.


I then added a button to the laser and player controller so that when the space or “jump” button is held or pressed, a laser spawns into the game.

At the minute it looks rather messy, but it will be fixed with more code.


at the moment, the lasers are spawning in a random location and they need to be spawning from the ship, so I changed the code so they would spawn on the location of the player ship.

However, both have collisions and so they end up bouncing off each other and making the ship spin out of control.


 I have then fixed the code for the bullets so that they can only spawn every so often and not every single time the space button is pressed or held and so that the bullets dont effect the players ship.



Continuing on from last week, I am starting to add the asteroids into the game so that there is something else other than just the player ship.

I added a rigidbody and collider so that if it touches anything else, it will bounce off it and continue moving. This will help me when I make it split when a laser hits the object.


I then added a spawn timer so that after three seconds, an asteroid spawns into the game. However, they need to stop spawning after a certain amount of time otherwise this happens.


Now that I fixed the asteroids spawning time, I then changed it so that they wouldnt all spawn in one place, but in a random place around a point and then move into the screen.


Next I added a collision onto the asteroids so that if the player touches them, they will be destroyed and so that the asteroids dont actually hit each other either.


I have then added  some code into the game so that when I shoot the laser, it destroys the asteroid and the laser also disappears from the game.

I then made the lasers destroy themselves if they disappear off screen if they have missed an asteroid.

Coding: Asteroids

Today I started making a 2D Game of Asteroids in Unity, following the Youtube Channel “PointClickWin’s” Tutorials.

I started by opening Unity in 2D mode and then imported some preset sprites that I found online.

I am using an X-Wing as the player sprite in this game.


The next thing to do was to adjust the camera to fit the screen of the game.

After this, I needed to make a quad 3D Object so that I could import the background for the game. This meant that I could add a material to it and tile the background, making it look nicer than using a sprite background.


The background then needed to be tiled so that it wasnt just the one image.

I added a repeat onto the material and then tiled it to half the size of the quad and then ended up with it looking like this.


Next, I needed to add some code to the spaceship to allow it to move, and to add 2D Physics.

I added a polygon collider to the ship so that if it crashes into something, it doesnt just faze through.

By putting a polygon collider onto it, this meant that I can adjust the shape of the collider so that it best fits the shape of the ship.


After this I added a rigidbody, and when play is pressed, the ship falls as it automatically has gravity applied to it.


However, this needs to be set to 0 as there is no gravity in space.

I then added a PlayerController script so that when the up key is pressed, the spaceship moves up.



using the code, I then added a thrust so that the player moves forward faster, and added a rotation aspect so that when the keys are pressed, the ship rotates around rather than moving side to side.

I then added a screen wrap so that the ship doesnt disappear when it goes off the screen, but so that it appears again at the opposite side.


Rotate Around Object: CODING

Today in class we started looking more into code to prepare us for our exams.

We used a string called “Transform.RotateAround”

This meant that the object would rotate around a certain pivot.

At first I had no idea how to do this, but with a bit of help, I have now created a solar system of objects, and also textured them and added particle effects.


start of solar system from above


Start of solar system from perspective view

I also added some code in to make the planets, moons and sun pivot on their point so it looks like they’re rotating.


Games Industry: Programmer

(Lead) Programmer

“Leading the programming team responsible for creating all the computer code which runs and controls the game, and produces the technical specification of the game and managing overall code development”

Skills and Experience required to be a:

    • Be a team player and leader
    • Be approachable and listen to what people need and want, both from other disciplines and within your own team
    • be able to communicate your ideas and vision to the programming team
    • be able to inspire and motivate the programming team to ensure that everything gets fixed on schedule
    • have a hands-on understanding of all programming roles
    • have advanced programming skills
    • have excellent people management and communication skills, including tact and diplomacy
    • be able to resolve conflicts and solve problems
    • be able to multitask
    • be creative and innovative
    • be composed under pressure
    • have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures

Relevant Qualifications:

  • Programming degree
  • Optional: Maths, Physics or Computer Science

Best Route Into the Industry:

  • Need around 5 years’ experience to be a Lead programmer
  • Experience in working across platforms
  • Hands on experience of different programming roles
  • Apply through games trainee


Contract Type: A Programmer tends to have a full time job, working office hours, however, may need to work over hours during deadlines and outside of work.

Role Specification:

Screenshots of Job Adverts:


Case Study of A Programmer

Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace

Augusta Ada King, more commonly known as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and the world’s first computer programmer and was chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. The notes she created for the Analytical Engine include what is recognized as the very first algorithm created solely for the intent of being processed by a machine or in other words, the world’s first computer program.

Ada was a gifted girl from the beginning with an uncommon mindset who predicted that one day computers would transcend from simply being used for crunching numbers — totally against the popular opinion of that time. Ada’s main inspiration came from her father and without her, who knows how long it would take for another person to design a computer program.

Playable Pong (Click post to Play)

Today in class, we coded our own version of the classic game Pong! INSTRUCTIONS: Player One: Left , W – Move Up, S – Move Down Player Two: Right , Up Key – Move Up, Down Key – Move Down This required us to … Continue reading