Project 4: Storyboarding – 2

We were given a task to create a story in a desert which involved conflict. In our group we brainstormed some ideas, such as a giant snake monster, someone trying to steal treasure and Egyptians betraying a group of cowboys.

In the end, we decided to go for a group of treasure hunters that go into a Pyramid and find a group of Ancient Egyptian Priests. This then disturbed the priests and so they summon a dust demon to take care of the treasure hunters.

One of the hunters gets cursed and tries to attack the rest of the group and then the group has to decide whether to trap him or help him.


In our group we chose which parts we were going to create some images for to make a whole storyboard.

I decided to go with the dust demon being summoned.


Work in Progress

The image above is still a work in progress of the final image that I am creating.

Project 4: Storyboarding -Little Red Riding Hood

Today we learnt more about storyboarding and graphic novels. We had to draw either Red Riding hood as a storyboard or to make our own story. I decided to go with the Little Red Riding Hood storyboard.


Side Project: Animating Lines in After Effects

This project involved making an image in illustrator, and importing it into after effects.

Due to the image being a vector, I am able to scale and change the size as much as I wanted without it being distorted or lose its quality.


this is the image imported into after effects.

What we needed to do was to add a trim lines to the image.

Then when we changed the settings, this meant that either the lines would all simultaneously be drawn, or individually.


I chose to do the individual line drawing.



How are companies Funded?

KickStarter / Crowd Funding

Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology.

Crowdfunding is a way of raising finance by asking a large number of people each for a small amount of money. Until recently, financing a business, project or venture involved asking a few people for large sums of money.


An arrangement where the company borrows money, then pays interest when giving the money back over a period of time.

Tax Relief

Tax relief means that you either: pay less tax to take account of money you’ve spent on specific things, like business expenses if you’re self-employed.


Grants are non-repayable funds or products disbursed by one party (grant makers), often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust, to a recipient, often (but not always) a nonprofit entity, educational institution, business or an individual.


A sponsor is the individual or group that provides the support, similar to a benefactor.


Advertising is the action of calling public attention to something, especially by paid announcements.


Selling something and receiving payment

Action Plan

Areas to develop

  • Digital Drawing
  • 2D Animation
  • Texturing
  • 3D Modelling


How will I develop these?


Over the summer, I want to create more digital drawings, and if I did something fun, this will keep me motivated while drawing and practicing.

I want to try to make a small walk cycle or very short animation during the summer

Texturing I am not the best at, however I feel as though I have been improving with this recently.

3D modelling, I wanted to improve over summer, however the software doesnt work that well on my computer and constantly crashes.


SWOT analysis


  • I can draw
  • I can animate within maya
  • I can 3d model
  • I can draw within photoshop


  • I am not good with coding
  • I am not great at texturing models
  • I am not good with speaking in public


  • This course was a great way to develop my skills
  • trips such as EGX, AnimeX and other upcoming ones can help me to develop my skills and communication with other people in the course, people in university and higher education and within industry.


  • my computer cant run the majority of programs from home.
  • some programs wont download properly at home
  • I am not the best at digital art
  • I have a part time job that sometimes interferes with college and my classwork.

Personal Project: Canvas Portrait

This is yet another piece of work I have completed, yet have forgotten to upload.

I was asked by a member of staff at work if I could draw a portrait of their nephew on a canvas.

I was given a specific photograph to use, and requested to try and draw it without the bib.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take more progress photos and only ended up with two photos of it overall.


Despite the fact that I havent drawn realistic drawings in a while, I feel as though I have been improving a lot with this style. I think that I am more comfortable, and better at drawing in a realistic style rather than a cartoony style.

I also feel that this is realistic, with a slight “disney” feel to it, as told by my teacher when he asked to see it a few months back.

I have been looking for an art style that I am comfortable with drawing, and I feel as though that this is the style that I have been working towards, and I will continue to keep drawing in this style in order to practice and get better.

Personal Projects: Art pieces I forgot aout

Today I went through my laptop, mainly to delete a lot of junk that I didnt need anymore, when I found quite a few drawings I had worked on that I forgot to upload, so rather than doing loads of … Continue reading

Personal Project – Art: Galaxy Pup

Galaxy Pup.png

This is a piece of art I worked on a while ago now but forgot to actually upload it anywhere.


I made this using a program called Paint Tool. Sai. The main dog was created using the paintbrush tool, the pen tool, the airbrush tool and a texture called “fur” to create the fur like feeling. Im not too keen on the way he came out to be honest, as it looks weird. This was mainly due to my graphics tablet not cooperating the majority of the time that I was doing this.


The background and the eyes was my favourite part of the painting. This was done using the airbrush and blur tools to make the colours blend into one another, then using a texture called “Wave13” that I added onto the software to help me create more texture types in the paint.

A Drawing (or Sketch) a day

In order to help me to try and achieve my target, I bought a book called 712 More Things To Draw.


As Sometimes, I can struggle to think of, what exactly do I draw today?

In this book there are blank pages with a few words on each part to prompt you to draw something to do with that word or phrase.

However some of the spaces are very small to draw in, so I am thinking about doing them in a separate sketch book, or put some into my main sketch book as part of some portfolio work.