Personal Project: Christmas Break Sketches and Update

Due to Christmas and new year being a very busy period at my shop where I work, I have been having to put in extra shifts to help out in store to deal with the high amount of customers, so … Continue reading

Personal Projects: Inktober days 1-13

I have been working on a project in my spare time called “Inktober”. This is where you draw an image everyday of the month of October, where people either draw their own stuff, or follow a theme. I decided to … Continue reading

Project 4: Storyboarding Part 3.

The next part of our storyboarding lesson, we pitched our ideas to the other people within the classes, then we had to swap our stories and create storyboard images for key points in each part of their story.


We got given a story about a weak Lion drinking at a waterhole, which is then approached by a gazelle.

The lion and gazelle start fighting and then more gazelles join in and eventually the lion is killed due to it being so weak.

The parts of the storyboard I got given was a close up of the lion drinking, and then a shot of the gazelle approaching the drinking lion.


This was the first panel I created of the lion drinking from the waterhole. I have made the face really detailed, but the front legs less detailed so that the focus would be on the lions face during the shot.


The next shot shows the gazelle approaching the lion at the watering hole.

I have coloured the Gazelle as that is the main feature of this shot.

Flash Coding

A week ago, we were taught how to draw in flash by using coding. This meant that you could input code for certain shapes and colours and then it would then output as an image. This is the code that … Continue reading

Practicing Animals with Pentagon’s


When it comes to drawing animals, I have found a way to ensure that their head and body is correct.
Their body is made of a series of different shaped and sized circles.
When it comes to the head. I have found that drawing a Pentagon, with one of the points facing in the direction of the animal.



I have also used this on a few sketches of raccoons I have drawn.


Other examples of the Pentagon.
