Synoptic Project: Location Sketch

I have created a perspective drawing of one of our possible shoot locations for our synoptic project.


I started by sketching the outline to match the location.


I then used a mix of markers and pencils for the colouring of the image, however, due to the paper being so cheap the pencils and markers didnt blend that well, so I ended up with horrible patches all over the image due to the markers bleeding.


Synoptic Project: Creating a Concept Piece

For part of our project, I created a concept piece for part of act 2.

To do this, I used my posing doll at home, as I couldnt find any reference images online that I didnt like that much or felt that was right.


I posed the doll then took a photo and uploaded it onto my computer

Then using this, I was able to sketch the character over the top of the image , shown below:


Once I created the base sketch, I tidied it up a bit, shown below


However, I wanted to keep this sketchy style for the final image rather than give it bold outlines. So I painted on another layer to create this image.



Synoptic Project: Meeting the Team

Today is the first day of beginning our Final Synoptic Project, This counts for 40% of our final year grade, a crucial part of our future portfolio, and would be created during a 6 month time frame.

I have been placed into a team with 4 other people to complete our VFX project.


Once we figured out which teams we were on we discussed the plans for this week for the project.

Weekly Jobs


  • Character concepts

  • Environment concepts


  • Music inspirations

  • Sound effect inspirations (unlisted YT™ playlist)


  • Finalising Story

  • Act 1 Storyboard Draft

  • Spreadsheet (Production stages and stuff)


  • Moodboards (Inspirations for effects, etc.)


  • Shooting locations (ones we mentioned, locations on college campus, etc.)



Personal Project: Christmas Break Sketches and Update

Due to Christmas and new year being a very busy period at my shop where I work, I have been having to put in extra shifts to help out in store to deal with the high amount of customers, so … Continue reading

Personal Projects: New Graphics Tablet

Today I got a new graphics tablet!

A ISKN Slate 2. This allows me to do digital work, and then it transfers it all to digital images as I am drawing it!

Here are a few sketches I have done using the ISKN tablet.


Creative and Technical Modelling: Continuing Modelling & High to Low Poly Workflow

What is High to Low Poly Workflow?   How are you going to do it?   What will it look like on your model?   What programs will you use to create it?     Continuing Modelling.   So from … Continue reading

Storyboard: Industry Brief – Train Station

We were given a script for a touch screen phone advert and had to create a storyboard for it.

The script states that it is in a train station, everyone is waiting on the platform warm winter clothing; coats, scarves, gloves etc.

A mans phone rings, so he tries to answer it, but cant due to wearing gloves, so he puts it away.

A teenager then tries to answer his phone when that rings using his nose, since he is also wearing gloves. But he almost drops it and then puts it away.

Then finally the girls phone rings and she is able to answer it while wearing gloves, and sends a text as well, stating:

“Its freezing, but my hands are nice and warm! :D”


I created a quick mock of the storyboard first in my sketchbook.


This was just to get ideas of what the scenes would look like, who stood where and which panel would feature what.

I then redrew this on the proper storyboard sheet and added the right text.


The first panel shows the train station, where the shoot is set, with a train speeding past. A few people are walking or waiting on the platforms.

The camera then changes to three people standing on the platform waiting for a train.

One of the mens phone rings, but due to him wearing gloves, he cant answer his phone.

The voiceover then says “We’ve all been there, trying to answer a phone call with gloves on..”

Panel three then shows the man angry, putting his phone away due to missing the call.

The voiceover then says “it just doesnt work!!”

After this, the teenage boys rings. He tries jabbing the screen but it doesnt work, so he then tries to answer with his nose, but panics and almost drops it on the tracks.

The voiceover then says “Or you could try your nose!….or not”

Then finally, the girls rings, but this time, she is wearing gloves and is able to answer the phone with ease, leaving a text saying:

“Its freezing, but my hands are nice and warm! :D”

Then the voiceover says “how did she do that?!”

Creative and Technical Modelling: Research and Beginning the Model

We will be starting a 9 week modelling challenge to create the best 3d  model that we can.

Brief: “This model needs to show a high to low poly model which uses normal map baking.

This model will be UV mapped and textured. During this project you will also learn about Specular maps and emissive maps”



The first thing to do was to find some images of ideas that I want to model.

I chose vehicles, characters, weapons and objects.

These are the images I chose to use for my research.

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In the end, I decided to chose Sonic to create my model with.


I started off in 3DS Max, but almost immediately ran into issues where the box I had created couldnt be selected and altered.

So I swapped over to Maya to create the model.

I added two reference planes so that I could use them to help create my model.

Then I added a box shape and began modelling from that.



Framestore 3D Modelling Challenge: Bulbasaur

We received a task from Framestore as part of ‘Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day’ to create a 3D model.

“We would give the students 2 hours and the only rule is that they have to start from a sphere, no pre-made models allowed.”

