Games Industry: Programmer

(Lead) Programmer

“Leading the programming team responsible for creating all the computer code which runs and controls the game, and produces the technical specification of the game and managing overall code development”

Skills and Experience required to be a:

    • Be a team player and leader
    • Be approachable and listen to what people need and want, both from other disciplines and within your own team
    • be able to communicate your ideas and vision to the programming team
    • be able to inspire and motivate the programming team to ensure that everything gets fixed on schedule
    • have a hands-on understanding of all programming roles
    • have advanced programming skills
    • have excellent people management and communication skills, including tact and diplomacy
    • be able to resolve conflicts and solve problems
    • be able to multitask
    • be creative and innovative
    • be composed under pressure
    • have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures

Relevant Qualifications:

  • Programming degree
  • Optional: Maths, Physics or Computer Science

Best Route Into the Industry:

  • Need around 5 years’ experience to be a Lead programmer
  • Experience in working across platforms
  • Hands on experience of different programming roles
  • Apply through games trainee


Contract Type: A Programmer tends to have a full time job, working office hours, however, may need to work over hours during deadlines and outside of work.

Role Specification:

Screenshots of Job Adverts:


Case Study of A Programmer

Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace

Augusta Ada King, more commonly known as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and the world’s first computer programmer and was chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. The notes she created for the Analytical Engine include what is recognized as the very first algorithm created solely for the intent of being processed by a machine or in other words, the world’s first computer program.

Ada was a gifted girl from the beginning with an uncommon mindset who predicted that one day computers would transcend from simply being used for crunching numbers — totally against the popular opinion of that time. Ada’s main inspiration came from her father and without her, who knows how long it would take for another person to design a computer program.

Playable Pong (Click post to Play)

Today in class, we coded our own version of the classic game Pong! INSTRUCTIONS: Player One: Left , W – Move Up, S – Move Down Player Two: Right , Up Key – Move Up, Down Key – Move Down This required us to … Continue reading

Hello World.

I have practiced using the Hello World tutorial in other programs, as it is best to learn as many programming languages as possible.

Visual Basic

Since I already have a basic knowledge of Visual Basic from Last year, I decided to try and practice it again so that I don’t forget some of the things that I learned.

Hello World Message Box.

In this Hello World, I created a pop up message box, which once started, would say “Hello World”, The  images below show the code and the message box.

delete later delete later2Hello World Console.

I then changed the message box to be read inside the Console itself.

The first line of code states what is going to be inside the console, however, with just the first line itself, the console closes immediately, which means that the second line of code is needed.

Console.Readkey is essential as it keeps the command window open, allowing us to read what is inside of the console.

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