Personal Project: Christmas Break Sketches and Update

Due to Christmas and new year being a very busy period at my shop where I work, I have been having to put in extra shifts to help out in store to deal with the high amount of customers, so … Continue reading

Project 6: Character Design with Silhouettes

Today we made some characters using only some select tools in Photoshop:

  • Lasso Tool
  • Fill Tool
  • Brush Tool
  • Erase Tool

The idea was to create random scribbles on the canvas and then fill in that shape. From this we then created some characters.

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From these, I am planning on creating some images of concept art for them to add some more details.

Project 4: Storyboarding Part 3.

The next part of our storyboarding lesson, we pitched our ideas to the other people within the classes, then we had to swap our stories and create storyboard images for key points in each part of their story.


We got given a story about a weak Lion drinking at a waterhole, which is then approached by a gazelle.

The lion and gazelle start fighting and then more gazelles join in and eventually the lion is killed due to it being so weak.

The parts of the storyboard I got given was a close up of the lion drinking, and then a shot of the gazelle approaching the drinking lion.


This was the first panel I created of the lion drinking from the waterhole. I have made the face really detailed, but the front legs less detailed so that the focus would be on the lions face during the shot.


The next shot shows the gazelle approaching the lion at the watering hole.

I have coloured the Gazelle as that is the main feature of this shot.

Personal Project: Summer Sketches

Over the summer, I have tried to sketch as much as I can, however I worked the majority of the summer so it was difficult trying to get the time in to do some work. I would have liked to … Continue reading

Project 3: Halloween Game

We have been set a task to create the schools halloween game. We had to play a range of different games, then make notes on their style, gameplay and mechanics, then create ideas for our own game. I have decided … Continue reading

Personal Project: Fish Painting (Rhino Tribute)

I have decided to paint some fish within Paint Tool Sai as a tribute to my fish, Rhino who sadly passed away this week and I waned to do something for him in his memory.


I started with a sketch idea in my drawing pad and then transferred this into Paint Tool Sai.


The end image looks a bit different to the initial sketch, as I decided to move the fish around within Sai.


This is the final image, featuring Rhino in the bottom right hand corner.

I feel as though I am really improving in Digital painting and digital brush texturing.


The video below is of the process of the painting, but sped up so that it isnt 2 hours long

Personal Project: Nick Valentine

I decided to draw Nick Valentine from Fallout 4 as part of my drawings needed for my asset portfolio. I did this in my sketch pad using crayola pencils and a range of different other pencils, from 6B to F. … Continue reading

Personal Project: Drawing Drewbert

Drewbert is a corgi that is well known by a lot of dog fans on the internet, including facebook and instagram.

I decided to draw one of the photos taken of Drewbert that was posted onto his facebook page.

First photo taken

Again, like many of my other drawings, I keep forgetting to take photos between the process of the drawing.


Unity Game (Player 1 Character)

For our game, we are using two characters, one which is going to use a grappling hook and another to be a stealthy character. My first design was aimed for the grappling hook character, which we all decided to also … Continue reading