Presenting our game. Pitch.

On Monday we pitched our game Lucious.

I feel as though we should have prepared our pitch better and practiced beforehand as we tended to stop for a while not knowing who was meant to say the next part. 

The pitch started and everyone seemed to get a bit messed up, not sure when to start talking. I provided some information about the game, but I feel as though I should have given more descriptive information about the game.

I also feel as though more practice will be needed in public speaking, as I tend to stutter or ramble.

I thought that the imaging in the presentation was the strongest part, as at times, there was too much text on some of the slides, sometimes text wasn’t even needed.

After the pitch, we were given feedback. We were made aware that we had too much text on some of the slides, and that the imaging we used in the top left corner became too repetitive, so that next time, we would need to change it to a different image every now and then.

We were also informed that some of the imagery should have been placed onto separate slides, rather than some of them being all put onto one slide.

Another change would be the way that the concept art was presented. As I don’t know how to use photoshop, The images were taken on a mobile phone and so had shadowing on the pictures, meaning that the drawings weren’t too clear and the main focus of the pictures wasn’t the drawings, but the shadows.


Piskel is a simple, online tool that allows you to create 2D pixel art and animations within your browser. The site also allows the option for you to download a copy of Piskel to your desktop, making the program available … Continue reading