EML: Animating the enemy spider

For the past few weeks I have attempted over and over to try and animate the 3D Spider model, using rigs and bipeds.


But it has gotten to the point after watching countless videos,  I just cant seem to get it to work, so I have decided to import the spider into photoshop in different layers and move its legs to make it look like its walking, since in the game, it is going to be 2D.

This way I was also able to make the different variations of the spider that was needed just by adjusting the hue and saturation rather than making two extra models.


I will then have to do this for the player spider as well, however I will need to also add walking, jumping and possible attack animations as well.

Project EML

Today we are presenting our white-boxed version of the game to our lecturers before we then present it tomorrow to Stephen Hey from EA Games.

We will be making a powerpoint presentation to show to them, how our game is progressing.


Recently, I have been unsure of how I will animate the 3D Model of the spider, and looking online, it looked as though I would have to delete and remake the entire model.

However, I found another site that said, if I put a skeleton biped inside the model, I can rig it to move using the biped.

I have added the biped into the wireframe mesh of the spider, then used the scale tool to make it fit into the spiders limbs.



Unity Game (Player 1 Character)

For our game, we are using two characters, one which is going to use a grappling hook and another to be a stealthy character. My first design was aimed for the grappling hook character, which we all decided to also … Continue reading

Unity Game (Basic Game Idea and Enemy Spider)

On Monday, we were told that by Christmas, we should have Unity available in our class and so we can make games using that. So we were into make a game, that should be finished and ready to make in … Continue reading