Storyboard: Industry Brief – Train Station

We were given a script for a touch screen phone advert and had to create a storyboard for it.

The script states that it is in a train station, everyone is waiting on the platform warm winter clothing; coats, scarves, gloves etc.

A mans phone rings, so he tries to answer it, but cant due to wearing gloves, so he puts it away.

A teenager then tries to answer his phone when that rings using his nose, since he is also wearing gloves. But he almost drops it and then puts it away.

Then finally the girls phone rings and she is able to answer it while wearing gloves, and sends a text as well, stating:

“Its freezing, but my hands are nice and warm! :D”


I created a quick mock of the storyboard first in my sketchbook.


This was just to get ideas of what the scenes would look like, who stood where and which panel would feature what.

I then redrew this on the proper storyboard sheet and added the right text.


The first panel shows the train station, where the shoot is set, with a train speeding past. A few people are walking or waiting on the platforms.

The camera then changes to three people standing on the platform waiting for a train.

One of the mens phone rings, but due to him wearing gloves, he cant answer his phone.

The voiceover then says “We’ve all been there, trying to answer a phone call with gloves on..”

Panel three then shows the man angry, putting his phone away due to missing the call.

The voiceover then says “it just doesnt work!!”

After this, the teenage boys rings. He tries jabbing the screen but it doesnt work, so he then tries to answer with his nose, but panics and almost drops it on the tracks.

The voiceover then says “Or you could try your nose!….or not”

Then finally, the girls rings, but this time, she is wearing gloves and is able to answer the phone with ease, leaving a text saying:

“Its freezing, but my hands are nice and warm! :D”

Then the voiceover says “how did she do that?!”

Project 4: Storyboarding Part 3.

The next part of our storyboarding lesson, we pitched our ideas to the other people within the classes, then we had to swap our stories and create storyboard images for key points in each part of their story.


We got given a story about a weak Lion drinking at a waterhole, which is then approached by a gazelle.

The lion and gazelle start fighting and then more gazelles join in and eventually the lion is killed due to it being so weak.

The parts of the storyboard I got given was a close up of the lion drinking, and then a shot of the gazelle approaching the drinking lion.


This was the first panel I created of the lion drinking from the waterhole. I have made the face really detailed, but the front legs less detailed so that the focus would be on the lions face during the shot.


The next shot shows the gazelle approaching the lion at the watering hole.

I have coloured the Gazelle as that is the main feature of this shot.

Project 4: Storyboarding – 2

We were given a task to create a story in a desert which involved conflict. In our group we brainstormed some ideas, such as a giant snake monster, someone trying to steal treasure and Egyptians betraying a group of cowboys.

In the end, we decided to go for a group of treasure hunters that go into a Pyramid and find a group of Ancient Egyptian Priests. This then disturbed the priests and so they summon a dust demon to take care of the treasure hunters.

One of the hunters gets cursed and tries to attack the rest of the group and then the group has to decide whether to trap him or help him.


In our group we chose which parts we were going to create some images for to make a whole storyboard.

I decided to go with the dust demon being summoned.


Work in Progress

The image above is still a work in progress of the final image that I am creating.

Project 4: Storyboarding -Little Red Riding Hood

Today we learnt more about storyboarding and graphic novels. We had to draw either Red Riding hood as a storyboard or to make our own story. I decided to go with the Little Red Riding Hood storyboard.
