Wolf In The Night: Problems

Today I did another few tests runs in Unreal engine and stumbled upon a few problems with some of the imported models, some of them had missing pieces, or really, really weird textures that looked terrible.

weird textures.png

Around the back of two of the buildings, for some reason you could see straight through the doors, not sure why this has suddenly started happening,but I will have to model these.

On one of the other models, the abandoned shop, parts of the model were missing, and I couldnt even select them in the editor mode so I have no idea what is going on.

And finally, the textures on the jeep..these were fine the last time I ran through this and now they are just horrible.

I am going to try and fix these as soon as I can as they are making the game look bad.

Wolf In The Night: Environment Test #3

Today I added more to my WITN Environment build within Unreal engine, including a park area, which I am going to expand on more later.

I will need to do some more sketches to come up with more ideas to build the location.

Wolf in The Night: Unreal Testing

Today I imported my 3D models from my project and tested them out in unreal engine.

I had some issues with sizing, but I just edited them within Unreal as this is just a test.

The video below is a sped up version of the quick build of the environment.

Wolf in the night: Environment Design

Today I started designing some  possible environments for my game, starting with a small village restaurant/ pub. I looked at some villages in Ireland, one called Cork and another called Adare. I used these places to help influence my designs … Continue reading

Wolf in the Night

During animex, one of the guest speakers told us, if we have an idea, it will become nothing if you do nothing about it or never speak about it.

So with that, I decided to finally do something about one of the ideas I have had in my head for some time. But I had a concept, but no idea where to go in terms of story.

I spoke to one of my friends about the idea, and the speaker at animex was right, the best thing to do about your idea, is to speak to others about it, and this has helped me massively with it, as I was stuck with how the story would work.

I first created some really quick concepts of some ideas that I have had in my head for a while of what the areas would look like. I had the idea of a traditional Irish, or english town in the countryside as a location and drew a sketch of a small village in the top left corner.

In the top right is a very quick sketch of a forest location, with a small abandoned house, which is where I was thinking that the player starts the game, and will respawn etc.

The bottom left is an example of an inside of one of the houses you maybe able to go into,

and the bottom right is a possible example of a farm location and the “wolfs shadow” appearing on a farm house.


I created the “wolf” to have the same build as a regular wolf, but give it more of a supernatural feel,meaning that it doesnt fit into its environment.


These are some more examples of sketches I have made of another concept of a room. Meaning that when a villager disappears, the longer they are gone, their home becomes more and more ruined and seems as if it has been left to just decay.

The bottom images are concepts of the characters, one being a girl, which will be the player where I received help from a friend to come up with the idea that the story is similar to that of Little Red Riding Hood, in that she lives in the forest and there is a wolf.

I had an idea that the game revolves around a village that is suddenly having people disappear. So the player must find out what it causing these disappearances, but on the nights, a wolf appears, in the forms of shadows on walls and the villagers start to think that the disappearances are linked with the wolf.

The player must try and solve what is going on, but if they walk directly into the wolf, they get sent back to the abandoned house in the village and another villager has gone.





Quick sketch of the player looking into a hallway or corridor, using a lantern to navigate around.


Concept of the wolf design.