illustrated book??

Me and my fiancé have been wanting to work on a project together for quite sometime. 

We haved coming up with multiple ideas but they have all ended up getting pushed aside or forgotten. 

But we have finally found something that we are both interested in. 

Making an illustrated book. 

We have decided to use one of my old characters, Lucious and try and turn it into a children’s adventure book.

We will start by changing some of the designs, for example we are changing Lucious’s tail from an owls, to a cats tail to give him more of a Siamese – owl cat look. And also writing up a plan sheet on the characters and where the story could go 

Personal Project: Fish Painting (Rhino Tribute)

I have decided to paint some fish within Paint Tool Sai as a tribute to my fish, Rhino who sadly passed away this week and I waned to do something for him in his memory.


I started with a sketch idea in my drawing pad and then transferred this into Paint Tool Sai.


The end image looks a bit different to the initial sketch, as I decided to move the fish around within Sai.


This is the final image, featuring Rhino in the bottom right hand corner.

I feel as though I am really improving in Digital painting and digital brush texturing.


The video below is of the process of the painting, but sped up so that it isnt 2 hours long

Analysis of Games: Ratchet and Clank

As part of our course, we need to analyse game design and gameplay of video games, with references to platforms and technologies of the time. And for this post, I have decided to look at Ratchet and Clank, 2002 and … Continue reading

How are companies Funded?

KickStarter / Crowd Funding

Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology.

Crowdfunding is a way of raising finance by asking a large number of people each for a small amount of money. Until recently, financing a business, project or venture involved asking a few people for large sums of money.


An arrangement where the company borrows money, then pays interest when giving the money back over a period of time.

Tax Relief

Tax relief means that you either: pay less tax to take account of money you’ve spent on specific things, like business expenses if you’re self-employed.


Grants are non-repayable funds or products disbursed by one party (grant makers), often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust, to a recipient, often (but not always) a nonprofit entity, educational institution, business or an individual.


A sponsor is the individual or group that provides the support, similar to a benefactor.


Advertising is the action of calling public attention to something, especially by paid announcements.


Selling something and receiving payment

Action Plan

Areas to develop

  • Digital Drawing
  • 2D Animation
  • Texturing
  • 3D Modelling


How will I develop these?


Over the summer, I want to create more digital drawings, and if I did something fun, this will keep me motivated while drawing and practicing.

I want to try to make a small walk cycle or very short animation during the summer

Texturing I am not the best at, however I feel as though I have been improving with this recently.

3D modelling, I wanted to improve over summer, however the software doesnt work that well on my computer and constantly crashes.


Legal Constraints

Internet Security / ‘Freedom on the Net’

Online freedom is a hotly contested topic, and one of the biggest political issues of our time. Since its conception, the internet has revolutionised communication, and promoted free speech across the globe. However, some governments see the internet as dangerous and inflammatory. They seek to regulate the net, preventing citizens from communicating and collaborating.



Censorship is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.



Pixel Gypsy’s

“pixel gypsy” living out of hotel rooms in the rootless pursuit of employment, chasing visual effects work as it circles the globe in search of the next cheapest place to set up shop.


Fixed bid contracts

I fixed bid contract is where companies pre pay for X amount of shots, however, if they need to be redone, they wont get extra funding.

SWOT analysis


  • I can draw
  • I can animate within maya
  • I can 3d model
  • I can draw within photoshop


  • I am not good with coding
  • I am not great at texturing models
  • I am not good with speaking in public


  • This course was a great way to develop my skills
  • trips such as EGX, AnimeX and other upcoming ones can help me to develop my skills and communication with other people in the course, people in university and higher education and within industry.


  • my computer cant run the majority of programs from home.
  • some programs wont download properly at home
  • I am not the best at digital art
  • I have a part time job that sometimes interferes with college and my classwork.

Industry Contract Types

Freelance they are self-employed or are part of other companies they often look after their own tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) they might not be entitled to the same rights as workers, eg minimum wage you’re still responsible for … Continue reading

Dream Job

After finishing the course, I would like to become an animator. This means that I will need to improve my skills while being in the course to get the best footing I possibly can before looking for either an apprenticeship or looking into university courses.

Career Requirements

Degree Level Bachelor’s degree standard
Degree Field Computer animation, fine art, graphic arts
Training Some employers require on-the-job training in using company specific software
Experience 1 year for entry-level positions; 3 or more years for mid-level or advanced positions
Key Skills Creative, artistic, communication, computer and time-management skills; ability to use animation and video editing software
Salary $63,630 per year (2014 median salary for all multimedia artists and animators)

One of the main things I need to do to help me is to make a portfolio, or showreel of all the work I produce, or all of the best work.

a few possible animator career paths:


  • Modeler
  • Computer animator
  • Painter
  • Technical director
  • Storyboard artist
  • Game designer

I would love to be able to work within Pixar as an animator in the future. Although it is a very competitive job I would like to be able to try and work there at some point, whether it be as an intern or a full time employee.

What are the qualities of a good Animator?
A Pixar Animator should be able to bring life to any object or character, showing the character’s internal
thoughts and feelings through its physical external motion. To do this, the Animator must be a good actor.
His or her work should communicate clearly, containing simple ideas with which an audience can empathize.
The animation should be entertaining to watch, employing good timing and relying on individualized, believable
characters to put forth humor and emotion. The Animator also needs an understanding of physical motion.
Knowledge of weight, balance, overlap, texture, and form should be evident in the work. In fact, in evaluating a
prospective Animator, Pixar relies very heavily on the demo reel presented by the candidate.



Personal Project: Nick Valentine

I decided to draw Nick Valentine from Fallout 4 as part of my drawings needed for my asset portfolio. I did this in my sketch pad using crayola pencils and a range of different other pencils, from 6B to F. … Continue reading